Author: John Mulindi
How Ophthalmic Scanning of the Eye is done
The ultrasound is widely used for the diagnostics scanning of the eye. A-scan and B-scan modes of display are used in ophthalmic scanning. The transducer is placed directly over the eye of the patient while performing ophthalmic scanning. The high frequency sound waves that travel through the eye and the reflections (echoes) of these waves…
Application of Diathermy as a Therapeutic Treatment
Diathermy is the process through which electrically induced heat or the application of high frequency electromagnetic currents as a form of physical therapy and in surgical procedures. Diathermy is commonly used for muscle relaxation. It is possible to pass high currents in the range of 100 kHz through the human body without any risk as…
Optical Fiber Sensors and their Applications in Medical Field
Introduction The use of optical fiber sensors in medical field is based on their ability to transmit light over great distances with low power loss and the interaction of the light with a measurand system. These sensors are electrically passive and hence immune to electromagnetic disturbances. Optical fibres are geometrically flexible and corrosion resistant. They…
The Laser Technology and How it is applied in Medical Field
The word laser is an acronym that stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A laser is defined as a beam of monochromatic light that carries with it a high energy. The monochromatic light can be focused on to any minute area with a fine degree of exactness. The Principle of Operation of…
How a Tonometer is used to Measure Eye Pressure
Pressure in the eye is called Intraocular Pressure (IOP). Tonometer is the instrument that is used to determine IOP. The presence of any elevated IOP can be dangerous because people with varying degree of IOP elevation may develop certain damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve collects all the visual information from the retina…
How Ophthalmoscope is used for Eye Examination
Ophthalmoscope is an instrument used to examine the interior of the eye including the lens, retina, and optic nerve. It is used primarily to: Ophthalmoscope is based on the principle that, light entering the pupil is reflected back to its source. Furthermore, the light follows the same path out of the eye that it took…