Answers have been provided at the end.
Q1. The following are the major functional physiological systems of the body except?
A. Cardiovascular system
B. Respiratory system
C. Electrocardiogram system
D. Nervous system
Q2. Physiological Signals are generated by the body during the functioning of various physiological systems. Therefore, physiological signals hold information which can be extracted from these signals to find out the state of functioning of these physiological systems, true or false?
A. True
B. False
Q3. Which one of the following is not a transducer?
A. Thermocouple
B. Photovoltaic
C. Electrooculogram
D. Moving coil generator
Q4. Electroencephalogram is obtained from bioelectrical signals from the?
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Muscles
D. Retina
Q5. The following are resistive passive transducers, except?
A. Strain gauge
B. Potentiometer
C. Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)
D. Photodiode
Q6. The capacitance of a passive capacitance transducer depends on the following factors, except?
A. Distance between the two parallel plates
B. The area of the two parallel plates
C. Relative dielectric constant
D. Mass of the two parallel plates

Q7. Biopotentials are ionic voltages produced when certain types of cells carry out electrochemical activities, true or false?
A. True
B. False
Q8. The biopotentials generated by the muscles of the heart with time is called?
A. Electroretinogram
B. Electroencephalogram
C. Electrocardiogram
D. Electrooculogram
Q9. All the following are examples of biopotentials, true or false?
- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Electroretinogram (ERG)
A. True
B. False
Q10. How can you define electromyogram (EMG)?
A. The recorded representation of bioelectric potentials generated by the activity of the brain (Neuronal activity.
B. The biopotentials generated by the muscles of the heart with time.
C. The recorded representation of bioelectric potentials generated by the muscle activity.
D. The measure of the variations in the corneal-retinal potential.
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Q11. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is used in the diagnosis of the:
A. Heart
B. Tumour
C. Neuromuscular diseases
D. Brain
Q12. Which of the following statements is true about Needle electrodes?
A. They are designed to measure bioelectric potentials near or within the cell.
B. They are designed to penetrate the skin so that they can record biopotentials like EEG signals from the brain.
C. They are designed to measure biopotentials from the surface of the skin.
D. Typical examples include the metal microelectrodes and micropipette.
Q13. The following are statements about heart sounds:
- The beating of the heart and the pumping of the blood is associated with the generation of the sounds.
- The technique of listening to sounds by the heart and blood vessels is called auscultation.
- The physicians are trained to diagnose the heart disorders by listening to these sounds using a device called the stethoscope.
- A graphic record of the heart is called phonocardiogram.
Are all the above statements are true or false?
A. True
B . False
Q14. The following are methods of blood flow measurement, except?
A. Magnetic blood flow measurement
B. Coriolis blood flow measurement
C. Ultrasonic blood flow measurement
D. Radiographic blood flow measurement
Q15. The following procedure refers a blood flow measurement method:
- The dye is injected at a constant rate in the blood flow and a detector measures the dye concentration downstream.
- The concentration of the dye in the blood stream keep on increasing at lapses and it finally reaches a constant value.
- The blood flow = Injection of dye (milligrams/mm)/concentration of dye (milligrams per liter)
Which blood flow measurement method is described by the above procedure?
A. Plethysmography chamber blood flow meter
B. Radiographic flow meter
C. Dye dilution flow meter
D. Ultrasonic blood flow meter
Q16. All the following are methods of blood pressure measurement, except?
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Percutaneous method
C. Hagen-poiseuille analysis
D. Catheterization
Q17. Electrocardiograph (ECG) is a graphic recording or display of the time variant produced by the heart during the cardiac cycle, true or false?
A. True
B. False
Q18. What is Tidal volume with regard to lung capacities?
A. It is the extra volume that can be inspired.
B. It is the maximum volume of the gas that can be expelled from the lungs by forceful expiration after maximum inspiration.
C. It is the volume of gas inspired or expired during each respiration cycle.
D. It is the volume of air remaining in the lungs at the end of expiratory level.
Q19. What biological measurement is done by the Spirometer?
A. Blood pressure measurement
B. Blood Flow measurement
C. Respiratory volume measurements
D. Blood sugar measurement
Q20. What is the function of a Nebulizer as a respiratory therapy?
A. It is a device used to administer medication in the form of mist inhaled into the lungs and used for treatment of asthma, and other pulmonary disorders.
B. It is a device used to remove liquid or gases by suction from the body.
C. It is equipment used to increase humidity of the inspired air.
D. None of the above.
Q21. The following are properties of ultrasound waves as applied in medical imaging, except?
A. They are longitudinal
B. They are acoustic
C. They are electromagnetic
D. They depend upon the medium through which it propagates
Q1. C, Q2. A, Q3. C, Q4. A, Q5. C, Q6. D, Q7. A, Q8. C, Q9. A, Q10. C, Q11. D, Q12. B, Q13. A, Q14. B, Q15. C, Q16. C, Q17. A, Q18. C, Q19. C, Q20. A, Q21. C
Related: Bioelectric Potentials and Electrodes Questions & Answers
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