Tag: Biomedical measurements
What’s Inside a PET Scan’s Gantry?
PET Scan, which stands for positron emission tomography, is a non-invasive, nuclear imaging device used for diagnosis and functional imaging of the human body. It uses the phenomenon of electron-positron annihilation as its basic principle. This advanced imaging technique is a powerful tool for locating cancer in the body. That’s the basic idea of what…
Scintillation Counters: Operation & Application in Medical Imaging
Scintillation counters are basically made up of the following main components: a scintillation material (crystal), a photodetector (photomultiplier in this case) which is used to count flashes (scintillations) from the crystal and an electronic pulse forming and pulse height discriminating circuit. The scintillation crystal is typically sodium iodide. Operation of Scintillation Counter The energy from…
Features of Modern MRI Scanners
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging modality which employs magnetic fields and radio waves/radiofrequency (RF) energy to produces images of the body. This imaging technique is based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which is a quantum mechanical phenomenon exhibited by atoms having either an odd number of protons or neutrons. Such atoms have…
Features of an ECG Wireless Telemetry System
The advancement in technology has made it possible where necessary to monitor subjects from some distance using wireless telemetry. The biological parameter commonly studied this way is the electrocardiogram. The display of ECG and cardiac rates gives enough information on the loading of the cardiovascular system of the active subjects. In this article, we discuss…
Types of Spirometers & Technologies used
Spirometer is the instrument used to measure lung capacity and volume. The record obtained from spirometer is called a spirogram. There are a number of spirometers used in respiration volume measurements. In this article, we look at general types of spirometers according to their application and some of the technologies utilized in these spirometers. There…
Features of Microprocessor-Based ECG Systems
Microprocessors have been used in electrocardiographs to obtain certain advanced features like the elimination of artefacts, baseline shifting, and so forth using software techniques. In this article, we look at some of the key features of microprocessor-based ECG systems as follows: Microprocessor-based ECG machines can perform self-testing each time they are switched on. They are…
The Principle & Applications of Confocal Imaging
Confocal imaging (CI) is based on illuminating a single point on the sample and collecting scattered light from the same point of the sample. The illumination point on the sample is the image of the illumination pinhole and is imaged into the detector pinhole, hence making both pinholes and the illuminated spot on the sample…