We have the following five types of biomedical instrumentation/measurement systems: Direct/Indirect Invasive/Non-invasive Contact/Remote Sense/Actuate Dynamic/Static Direct/Indirect In biomedical instrumentation we…
The electrodes used for measurement of partial pressure of CO2 in blood are based on measuring the pH as demonstrated…
Though EEG signal detection provides a key indicator for detection of neurological status and disorders, its biomedical application is limited.…
After absorption of light energy, all compounds release some energy as heat; fluorescent compounds represent a special case in which…
A mass spectrometer is an instrument that produces a stream of charged particles (ions) from a substance being analyzed, separates…
The measurement of ultraviolet radiation in biomedical field may be categorized into three classes: Physical Biological Chemical In general, physical…
The optical properties of normal and diseased tissues are usually different despite the large variation of values in optical properties…
Echocardiography is a diagnostic technique that employs ultrasound to produce an image of the beating heart in real time. A…
The radionuclides that are employed in a PET scan as part of radiopharmaceuticals work best when used for imaging certain…
The amplifiers used for clinical EMG recording must meet same strict specifications for low-leakage currents as do ECG, EEG, and…