Biomedical measurements

5 Types of Biomedical Instrumentation Systems

We have the following five types of biomedical instrumentation/measurement systems: Direct/Indirect Invasive/Non-invasive Contact/Remote Sense/Actuate Dynamic/Static Direct/Indirect In biomedical instrumentation we…

1 year ago

Principle for Measurement of Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide

The electrodes used for measurement of partial pressure of CO2 in blood are based on measuring the pH as demonstrated…

1 year ago

Common Challenges of EEG Analysis

Though EEG signal detection provides a key indicator for detection of neurological status and disorders, its biomedical application is limited.…

1 year ago

How Spectrofluorimeters are used in Biomedical Measurements

After absorption of light energy, all compounds release some energy as heat; fluorescent compounds represent a special case in which…

1 year ago

Principle of Operation of a Medical Mass Spectrometer

A mass spectrometer is an instrument that produces a stream of charged particles (ions) from a substance being analyzed, separates…

1 year ago

The Measurement of Ultraviolet Radiation in Biomedical Field

The measurement of ultraviolet radiation in biomedical field may be categorized into three classes: Physical Biological Chemical In general, physical…

2 years ago

Optical Tomographic Imaging

The optical properties of normal and diseased tissues are usually different despite the large variation of values in optical properties…

2 years ago

What is Echocardiography?

Echocardiography is a diagnostic technique that employs ultrasound to produce an image of the beating heart in real time. A…

2 years ago

The Function of a PET scan in Biomedical Diagnostics

The radionuclides that are employed in a PET scan as part of radiopharmaceuticals work best when used for imaging certain…

2 years ago

Key Features of EMG Amplifiers

The amplifiers used for clinical EMG recording must meet same strict specifications for low-leakage currents as do ECG, EEG, and…

2 years ago