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Tag: Biosignals

  • The Origin of EMG Biosignals

    Introduction A key bioelectric signal that has diagnostic significance for various neuromuscular diseases is the electromyogram (EMG), which can be recorded from the skin surface with electrodes identical to those used for electrocardiography, although in some cases, the electrodes have smaller areas than those used for ECG ( <1 mm2). To record from single motor…

  • Biomedical Signals Acquisition Instruments

    We have different types of biomedical recorders named according to the types of bio signals they capture. Some of these instruments used to record data in biomedical measurements include: Electrocardiograph (ECG) The Electrocardiograph (ECG) is an instrument which records the electrical activity of the heart. Electrical signals from the heart characteristically precede, the normal mechanical…

  • Sources of Biomedical Signals

    Biomedical signals/physiological signals are those signals (phenomenon that conveys information) which are used primarily for extracting information on a biological system under investigation. Our body produces various physiological signals. The accessibility to these signals is important because these signals: All physiological signals can grouped as: A transducer converts a physical signal into an electrical output.…

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