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Tag: Electrocardiograph

  • The Instrumentation for Recording ECG Signals

    Since the electrical events in the normal heart precede its mechanical function, ECG signals play an important role in diagnosis and monitoring of a wide variety of cardiac abnormalities including myocardial infarction and chamber enlargements. Hence, ECG signal acquisition systems are extensively employed in cardiology, cardiac catheterization laboratories, intensive and cardiac care units, etc. The…

  • Principle Parts and Types of ECG Recorders

    Building Blocks of an ECG System In Electrocardiography (ECG) recorder five leads from the patient are connected to the ECG recorder through a selector switch to obtain 12 lead configurations as illustrated below: A standard voltage of 1 mV is used to calibrate the recorder. The output from the lead selector switch is amplified using…

  • Key Factors to Consider in the Design and Operation of Electrocardiograph

    There are various factors that must be considered in the design and application of the electrocardiograph. These key factors must be considered by the biomedical engineer as well as the electrocardiograph operator and the physician who interprets the recorded information. We discuss these factors as follows: Frequency distortion The electrocardiograph does not always meet the…

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)

    The recording of the electrical activity associated with the functioning of the heart is known as Electrocardiogram. ECG is quasi-periodical, rhythmically repeating signal synchronized by the function of the heart; which acts as a generator of bioelectric events. This generated signal can be described by means of a simple electric dipole (pole consisting of a…