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Tag: EMG

  • The Origin of EMG Biosignals

    Introduction A key bioelectric signal that has diagnostic significance for various neuromuscular diseases is the electromyogram (EMG), which can be recorded from the skin surface with electrodes identical to those used for electrocardiography, although in some cases, the electrodes have smaller areas than those used for ECG ( <1 mm2). To record from single motor…

  • Types of EMG Electrodes Commonly Used in Medical Measurements

    We have different types of biopotential electrodes that are used in recording electromyographic (EMG) signals from different muscles in the body. The shape and size of the recorded EMG signals depend on the electrical property of these electrodes and the recording location. For non-invasive recordings, proper skin preparation, which normally involves cleansing the skin with…

  • Biomedical Instrumentation Questions & Answers

    Q1. What are the problems encountered in biomedical measurements? The problems encountered in biomedical measurements are: Q2. What are the key requirements for specifying biomedical instrumentation systems? They key specifications to consider when specifying biomedical instruments include: Q3. What are the diagnoses made from Electroencephalogram (EEG)? The brain cells are referred to as neurons. The…

  • Electromyogram (EMG)

    The contraction of the skeletal muscle results in the generation of action potentials in the individual muscle fibres, a record of which is known as electromyogram. This activity is similar to that observed in the cardiac muscle, but in the skeletal muscle, repolarization takes place much more rapidly, the action potential lasting only a few…

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