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Tag: X-ray scan

  • Ultrasound vs. X-rays, what are the differences?

    Both ultrasound and X-rays are used in medical diagnosis. We look at the differences in their physical properties and the applications differences between the two as applied in medical diagnosis. Table 1: Physical Property differences between Ultrasound and X-rays Property Ultrasound X-rays Wave type Longitudinal Electromagnetic Transmission requirement of medium Elastic No medium is required…

  • What is CAT scan?

    The X-ray technique described in this post is a two-dimensional image. The most useful three-dimensional X-ray imaging technique is the CAT scan (Computerized Axial Tomography). To form a three-dimensional image of an organ; say for example the brain, a number of slices of the organ are considered and an X-ray image of the slice is…

  • X-ray Imaging

    Background of X-ray Imaging X-rays were discovered accidentally by the Germany Physicist William Roentgen in 1895, while experimenting with electron beams in a gas discharge tube. He discovered that a screen in the laboratory started glowing when the electron tube was turned on, and continued to glow even after the tube was covered with a…

  • Introduction to Medical Diagnostic Techniques

    Diagnostic techniques are investigations and tests performed on patients with the intention to identify the cause of illness. The ultrasound is sonic energy at frequencies above the audible range. The most widely used applications of ultrasound in diagnostic medicine involve the non-invasive imaging of internal organs or structures of the body. Such imaging can provide…

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