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The Application of Echocardiography in Cardiovascular Diagnosis

The key application of ultrasound in cardiovascular diagnosis is echocardiogram. It utilizes M-scan technique in the imaging. In the echocardiogram, the movements of the valves and other structures of the heart are displayed as a function of time. The display also includes an electrocardiogram to provide more information on the heart.

The Application of Echocardiography in Cardiovascular Diagnosis

From the echocardiogram, the following information can be obtained:

  • It is possible to distinguish between soft tissues and measures the motion of the structure of the heart.
  • It helps in the detection of fluids which may escape from the pericardium. The fluids escape when the pericardium is inflamed.
  • The heart has a number of acoustic interfaces such as the atrial and ventricular walls, the septum and various walls. The position and movement of each interface can be measured by the reflected ultrasound.
  • It is useful in interpreting the movement of the mitral valve with respect to time. Any reduced movements of the valve indicate the case of mitral stenosis.

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